Premier Tutors' HSC Essay Marking and Review service is the most trusted way to get the best professional advice on your essays, assignments and/or notes. Use our essay marking service to:
We only work with the finest tutors at Premier Tutors. Our team includes the most 99.95 achievers and state-rank tutors in the state. With over 10 years of marking experience for the HSC, our team know exactly what it takes to score full marks and we are committed to helping you do the same.
We are so confident in the quality of our work that we are the only marking service in Sydney (that we know of) to offer a quality guarantee (see our terms and conditions for more details).
Here are just some of the reasons why top HSC students trust Premier Tutors for their essay marking:
Seriously, our turn-around times are fast. Get your work back in 12, 24 or 48 hours. See below for available subjects.
Our team includes over 200 top state-rankers and over 30 $1^\text{st}$ in NSW achievers.
We offer a 100% guarantee on the quality of our service. Terms and conditions apply.
Your essays and details are kept strictly confidential. We use stripe and SSL for all payments.
We offer expedited turn-around options for our most popular subjects, as well as options for more niche subjects by request:
Looking for assistance with a subject that is not listed above? Click here to let us know and we can see if we can help you.
Below is a snapshot of our team of over 100 HSC markers. We only work with the finest and the best at Premier Tutors and by trusting your essay marking with us, you can guarantee that you will be receiving the highest quality feedback available.
ATAR: 99.95, $1^\text{st}$ in NSW English Adv., $1^\text{st}$ in NSW English Ext. 2, $3^\text{rd}$ in NSW for English Ext. 1, University of Cambridge
ATAR: 99.95, Sydney Grammar, $1^\text{st}$ in NSW for Biology, $1^\text{st}$ in NSW for French Ext., $1^\text{st}$ in NSW VA
ATAR: 99.95, $3^\text{rd}$ in NSW for Chemistry, $7^\text{th}$ in NSW for Physics
The essay marking service provided by Premier Tutors has been extremely helpful and a great stress reliever for my Year 12 daughter. The essays submitted have obviously been reviewed thoroughly with carefully considered commentary and constructive suggestions for improvement. The turnaround time is always within the time frame required and often within a few hours! To receive comprehensive feedback from tutors who have achieved such exceptional results is absolutely invaluable.
To complete the Submit Essay form below:
Please begin by removing your name from all documents submitted. Then nominate:
* If the words submitted exceeds that nominated, we will only be able mark up to the nominated number amount of words.
Your essay is uploaded and sent to our team of expert markers for extensive, high-quality feedback.
We return your essay to you by email as a pdf file in lightening fast time!
Please click the link below to be redirected to our essay marking service:
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