Core to our Physics program at Premier Tutors is our proprietary resources. Designed by multiple-state rank tutors, including Rhys Mackintosh and Oliver Oayda, our Physics resources prioritise making mastery of the HSC curriculum as efficient as possible and giving you access to the entire difficulty gradient of questions that you can expect to encounter.
Notes Crafted by the State's Top Achievers
Beautifully written and clearly organised, our notes make it simple for you to gain a comprehensive and complete understanding of the entire curriculum..
Theory section samples from the Premier Tutors course notes. View full sample here .
Intelligent Exercises
Unlike textbooks which typically just skim the surface of what is tested in the HSC, our exercises offer you the full gradient of difficulty. They include the difficult, multi-level problems that are seldom encountered at school or in-textbooks, but form the core of school and HSC assessments. Whether you are aiming to score in the very high 90s, or simply wishing to achieve a Band 6, our exercises intelligently segregate questions based on what you want to achieve, no matter how ambitious you are.
Exercise section samples from the Premier Tutors course notes. View full sample here . Our exercises are carefully segregated as follows:
Introductory : We believe that the minimum standard that you should be aiming for is a Band 6. Our introductory section targets what you need to know so that you can comfortably secure this.Advanced: For our students aiming for marks between 90-100, the advanced section will enable you to comprehensively master the abstraction and creativity core to the most difficult questions examinable in the HSC.Extension: Our Extension questions go above and beyond the scope of the HSC. They cater specifically to our most capable students, particularly those looking to gain admission into the world's top international universities. They are a truly unique part of the Premier Tutors experience, crafted by our most distinguished tutors, including Gold Medal International Olympiad winners.
Fully Worked Solutions at the Click of a Button
Not only have our team have taken the time to craft fully worked solutions to our exercise problems, they have cleverly hyperlinked them to each question. Move effortlessly between question and solution. Drastically improve your efficiency, by using the worked solutions to confidently guide yourself through questions that are past your comfort zone.
Fully worked solutions at the click of a button.